War Reporting Workshop


May 29 

10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Reporters who work on the frontlines of war face significant challenges, from personal security to operating in an extremely complex environment. This workshop will provide valuable tools and information for reporters and fixers in war zones.


Workshop Leaders

Augustinas Šulija, Lithuanian National Broadcaster LRT

Augustinas Šulija is a multimedia journalist and foreign news editor at LRT, Lithuanian National Broadcaster, covering international and regional affairs. Augustinas has worked as the Brussels correspondent for Lithuanian TV3 and covered conflicts and social issues in Europe and beyond, including Eastern Ukraine and Nagorno-Karabakh. His works about regional social issues were published in various international media outlets. He also has experience working as a fixer for various media groups, covering regional safety topics. Recently his investigation about human smuggling from Belarus to Lithuania was awarded as the best investigative story by a young journalist in The Future Story Awards organized by Media4change


Gegham Vardanyan, Media.am

Gegham Vardanyan has more than 20 years experience in journalism, production and media training. He is the editor of the Armenian media news and analysis website Media.am by Media Initiatives Center. Previously, he was a reporter for A1+ TV station. Gegham teaches online content production and data journalism in Armenian universities. He was a producer with Al Jazeera English during the 2020 Artsakh War. 
